About Us

About Us

DeClutterIt Welcomes You!

We are a company that is all about bringing order to chaos. In life, there will be times when you have to get organized, purge your belongings and get rid of clutter to get more organized. This is a very stressful situation and often times, brings about anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed. Our people at DeClutterIt can help sort out your stuff and get this stressful job done quickly and efficiently as possible. We want you to leave the hard work to us and take the burden of decluttering off of your shoulders and allow us to take care of everything.

It’s about time you tackle the fully packed basement or the overpacked closets and even the dining table buried under years of accumulated clutter. Don’t go at this alone. Call us. Whether you are downsizing, moving, selling an estate, or simply wish to get more organized, we are the professionals whom can help get things done.

Parting With Your Things

Through the course of everyday living, we have a natural tendency to acquire things over a period of time. This results in excess of items in our living space.

Sometimes clutter occurs because we have a lot of excess things in our home. Hopefully, you will be able to identify the items which have meaning, purpose, and function in your space. All those that don’t fit the realm of these categories, you should be able to donate the right items to charity. Places in the Greater Toronto area like Value Village, The Salvation Army or the Furniture Bank all accept gently used items.

Rather than throwing items away, if someone else in need can make use of the items, then this becomes a win-win situation for all the parties.

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